

Various Sources of Information that I have found useful over the years.

Blacksmith Related Links
Caniron VIII logo

Caniron VIII
Caniron is the Canadian Biannual blacksmithing conference. It moves location across the provinces. Caniron now has a new web site that list and describe up coming Caniron Events. For past information and upcoming events (the next one is 2015) just click on www.caniron.ca .

Caniron VIII was back in Ontario held July 28th to July 31st in Fergus 2011. It was a Great conference and I was honoured to be asked to demonstrate and provide a lecture workshop. The above link takes you to the working blog where you can find related info.

Ontario Artist Blacksmith Association. The Ontario smiths meet the second Saturday of the month at various shops through out Ontario. A good place for local smiths to pick up some tips or techniques. Many members of the group are very knowledgeable and in general very welcoming to new people. See the website for details on meetings and cost to become a member.

Anvil Fire
Resource directory, tips, discussion forum, techniques, chat pub, tools and links.

The Blacksmith's Ring
The Blacksmith's ring is a network of many blacksmithing sites. Some are simple smithys, others are stores selling related products. A good way for comparing information. See the link at the bottom of my Home page.

Wareham Forge
Artist Blacksmith Darrell Markewitz
Darrell a long time friend and excellent smith with particular focus on the Viking Age.

SOFA  Quadstate Round up
Southern Ohio Forge and Anvil. The place to get tools and see excellent demonstrators. Troy Ohio about 4 hours south of Detroit. This event is held the 4th weekend of September each year. Check the link for current information.

Blacksmith radio with weekly podcasts of blacksmiths around the world. Informative article section. Resource section.

Artist Blacksmith Victoria Ross Patti's unique vision into the world of forged artwork and metal design.

Ferronnerie d'art Prsence Forge
French Artist Blacksmith presents his traditional and creative iron work for ornamental and high quality products.

Forgerons - Metal Urlant
Metal Urlant is a french directory created to promote craft work in the metal arts field. Exhibitions, information relating to the craft, and sites that offer metal craft for sale are listed.

Newman Forge and Pattern
John Newman is a blacksmith in Hamilton, Ontario and a long time friend. John has created a number of cast swage tools that are ideal for artist blacksmiths. John's background as a pattern maker (the person who creates the actual casting pattern) lets him make the best coal forge firepot that I have seen. John also has a 600 lb air hammer to tackle industrial forgings. Amazing power! His website it a bit slim. Best if you call him through the contact page there!

Blade Smith Dave Seidle
Dave is a long time friend who does both blacksmithing and bladesmithing on the side. He is in Midwestern Ontario.

Blacksmithing Coal
www.Thak.ca          Thak Blacksmith. Rob Martin has taken over the Ontario smithing coal business. Based in Floradale (near Kitchener) he is the major blacksmith coal supplier for Ontario.

If you are in Eastern Ontario try
Len Sholer Fuels at 705-799-5811. Located at 95 King St. W. Omemee

Coal Supplier
Frank Cipriani out of Hamilton.

Ph 905-545-2311
Cell 905-572-5514
Fax 905-628-3804
email fcipriani@eritrading.com
He is out of Hamilton and sells coal and coke by bag or truckload.  

Joseph Schneider Haus Museum
I was honoured to be Folk Artist in Residence in 1996 at this museum in Kitchener, Ontario.
Great place to learn about early Mennonite culture.

Chapters.Indigo.ca I have found Chapters  to be a good source for blacksmith books and other hobby and craft books. Search through to find the best deals.

Welding Supplies
This is a new blog I have started about welding in general. I use electric welding in a lot of  my blacksmithing projects. This blog also gives my thoughts on various welding related products. Check for  ongoing updates.

Blacksmithing Tools For Sale
This is one source on the net for selected blacksmith tools. Mostly farriers anvils and farriers gas forges and some related links.

Tusker Safety Equipment
Uk based business with focus on welding safety screens and protective clothing.

(Many other blacksmith tool related resources listed in the members area! Members Log in Here)

Mesothelioma Center (Asbestos.com).

Blacksmiths are at risk of developing mesothelioma, a rare cancer caused from asbestos exposure that can take 20-50 years to develop. Due to its heat-resistant properties, asbestos was used extensively in blacksmith gear as well as the tiles in the floor/ceiling around the forge and work area.

Their website features extensive information on asbestos and they work 1-on-1 with individuals to help them find local doctors, treatment centers and support groups all at no cost.

Galleries of Interest

Saugeen Artists
Local artist group devoted to promoting the arts in the Saugeen River watershed. Galleries of different members work. Guest speakers, shows and monthly meetings. Now have an online store of the various artists works. Just click on Saugeen Artists Online Store to see what is being offered.

Brenda Roy Jewellery

Stratford, Ontario
Hours are by chance or appointmen
Brenda combines polished stone and precious metals. Much of her work has Celtic inspirations.

Miscellaneous Links I have Found Useful

Ontario Custom Furniture
This is Artisan wood worker Guy Roy's website. He has helped me many times in the past with making fine wooden table tops for my iron work bases. We have worked on a number of mixed media pieces. Most of his work is Cupboards and Cabinetry and Harvest Tables. His website has a good selection of pictures of his furniture.

The Art List
Monthly e-Newsletter and searchable database listing upcoming Art Contests, Art Competitions, and Opportunites for visual artists and photographers.

If you are searching for general welding supplies (gloves, wire, helmets, welders etc.) they are worth checking out as they have competitive prices. Easy search function and fast shipping.

This is one of my other websites where I am discussing how to make money through the internet. I have a series of articles and regular blog postings on how to effectively tap into this huge resource to make extra income. Also checkout my Online Income Blog for more useful information on Internet Marketing.

More Books and DVD's
This  one of my favorite sites for sourcing hard to find books and DVDs . Just use the search function to find by title or subject what  you are interested in. There are discounts too.

Tim McCreight's Complete Metal Smithing Handbook
Spiral bound manual for jewellery making.

Members Login

David Robertson
Artist Blacksmith
R.R. #2 Cargill, Ontario,
Canada, N0G1J0

519 366 2334

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